On December 12th 2022 Confcommercio- Imprese per l'Italia, Filcams-Cgil, Fisascat-Cisl, Uiltucs signed an extraordinary protocol....

Italian Law, with effect since 21st December 2021, introduced a new mandatory communication, aimed at “carrying out monitoring activities and avoid elusive labour agreement” referred to to the employment of occasional self-employed workers....

The Council of Ministers' decree approved yesterday, 6th April 2020, about to be published on the Gazzetta Ufficiale, suspend the payment of withholding taxes, VAT, contribution and insurance premiums, that have to be paid using the F24 of April and May 2020 for taxpayers...

Since 2/3/2020 new rules relating to the “declarations of intent” for Frequent Exporter and its Supplier are applied. Declaration of intent give the opportunity to Frequent Exporter to ask for the not-charging VAT, to its Supplier...